Term Insurance
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It is a tendency among Indians to go for maximum tenures when it comes to their term insurance plans. People want to buy term plans that will provide coverage well into their 80s! This is sheer lack of financial planning.
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Buying a term plan is a long-term investment decision which needs to be taken meticulously. It therefore becomes important that you do not miss out on any significant point. So here is OneInsure with a list of Dos and Don’ts that will help you tick off one by one all the primary things that you need to do before you settle for any particular plan. Find the list below start ticking off.
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Thinking about how to boost your term plan coverage to support your loved ones? Well, this is where riders can be of help to you. Term insurance riders add that extra bit of security to your policy, and all you have to do in return is pay a little higher premium. Riders strengthen a term plan by providing additional benefits, besides what you get in the core offering with a term plan – death benefits.
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When the entire world is opinionating on the subject of “things to consider” while going on a vacation, raising a child, buying a car, planning for retirement, etc. I guess it also makes sense to list some of the things that you don’t need to consider while buying a term plan. How about that!!!
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Given that the cost of living is rising each day, it is up to you to ensure that your near and dear ones are financially secure in the event you are no longer with them. To meet this need, insurance companies have designed new term policies where a monthly pay-out is provided to your family members should something happen to you.
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“A man who dies without adequate life insurance should have to come back and see the mess he created.” – Will Rogers
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Buying a wrong or inadequate Term insurance cover can defeat the whole purpose of buying insurance. Just like an umbrella, Term insurance is meant to cover you during the rainy days of your life and it should last as long it rains. So along with the amount of the cover, the duration of the policy is also a key factor to be considered. In this article, we will explain how to decide upon the Policy Term in a Term Insurance Plan.
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Term assurance is the purest and most economical form of insurance. It is designed in a way where benefits are payable only on the death of the policyholder within the term.