OneInsure Blog
Top 3 Tips to Avoid Traffic Fines for Life!
When it comes right down to it, you are going to be spotted by traffic police only when he or she feels you have broken a traffic rule. Therefore, the #1 tip to avoid traffic fines is pretty obvious:
#1 – Don’t Break Traffic Rules
This is a self-explanatory point that needs no elaboration. Includes:
- Don’t park in a no-parking zone
- Don’t ignore red signals – they are there for a reason
- Don’t ride without a helmet
- Don’t drive/ride without a valid license and RC (to the policeman, this implies that the vehicle is stolen)
- Carry the latest PUC certificate at all times
- And many more (explore
#2 – Never Leave without a Challan or e-Challan
For any police officer to fine you, they have to give you an acknowledgment of the money you have paid as the fine. This not only ensures transparency in a system that has notoriously lacked transparency for decades, but it also gives you a paper trail in case you want to fight the fine legally.
The challan needs to contain the following details:
- Name and address of the court where the offense will be put on trial (typically within 24 hours)
- Details of the offence you have been charged under
- Date of the trial
- Vehicle details
- Your name and address
- Name and signature of the officer delivering the challan
- Details of the documents retained by the officer (like your driving license)
Naturally, point #2 means do not indulge in bribing.
#3 – Always Have Insurance
The reason for this is two-pronged:
- If you are asked to produce a valid insurance policy for your vehicle and you cannot, the previous fine was Rs 1,000. The newly empowered MV Act has increased this fine to Rs 2,000.
- Very Important: If you are involved in an accident where the fault was yours and you do not have insurance, the courts are well within their rights to attach all your worldly possessions to repay the victim’s damages. If the injury is serious and leads to disability or death, the Human Life Value (HLV) will have to be paid for by you, which could go to lakhs or crores of Rupees, depending on who the victim is.
For this reason, the Centre realized the wisdom of mandatory third-party (TP) insurance for any and all vehicles plying on Indian roads. And TP insurance is one of the cheapest policies out there, with costs starting at Rs 482 a year for privately owned two-wheelers and Rs 2072 a year for privately owned cars.
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