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An Important Lesson to Learn from Lord Krishna

An Important Money Lesson to Learn from Lord Krishna

It is said that every act of Lord Krishna had some meaning, message, and significance attached to it. One such act was that of stealing makhan (butter), which is adhered to as a tradition till today in parts of India. However, there is a hidden message behind this apparently malicious act of stealing butter too, and it is surprisingly in sync with financial planning!

At Vrindavan, little Lord Krishna was well known for his mischief across the village. Makhan was one of his favourite food items. He was so fond of makhan that he would go from home to home stealing it as soon as it was churned.

To protect the butter, the women of Vrindavan would tie their freshly churned makhan to the roofs of their homes so that he couldn't reach the pot. But Lord Krishna and his friends would form a human pyramid and reach the pots, often breaking them while stealing the butter because the pots were made of baked clay and quite brittle.

Now, one must understand that in those days, the village women would earn their living by selling milk-based products. So, effectively, this butter was their wealth stored in pots. Those pots could be called their banks. So, when Krishna attacked their wealth, most of these women would be directly financially affected.

However, surprisingly, whenever these village women needed money to fulfil their and their family’s needs, they would find double the makhan stolen by Krishna in their house, hidden away in some corner of the house.

They had no idea how that makhan had got there or who had kept it, but the money they received from selling this was enough to fulfil their needs when they needed it most.

Mythology reveals that this was the fruit of sacrificing their wealth. And Lord Krishna never allowed anyone to suffer when in need.

In the same way, investment plans take a small portion of your overall bank balance when you are financially stable and pays you back when you need it the most. And when do you need it the most?

  • Retirement
  • Child’s major educational milestones
  • Child’s marriage
  • Medical emergencies (health plans)
  • Family vacation

Yes, insurance not only provides a safety net for these situations but also provides you lump sum or regular pay-outs.

The occasion of Janmashtami is the best time for you to start a well-thought-out investment plan and receive the fruits (or should we say makhan?) in the future.

How Do I Go on This Financial Journey?

Here is the roadmap for this financial journey towards wealth and security:

  • Begin your journey by knowing your needs
  • Set an investment objective based on your needs
  • Invest according to your age, income, family situation, and dependencies on your salary
    (Suggested Reading: What is the right time to buy insurance?)
  • Diversify your investments and get the protection you need
  • Have limited but smart investments
  • Get started and do not stop
  • Wait patiently for your returns

In case you need expert assistance, feel free to call us at 86559-86559 or send us an email at

Happy Janmasthami!

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